The world needs a better water stewardship solution. A solution like WaterWell.

We're surrounded by water. It covers two thirds of the earth's surface. And yet only 2.5 per cent of it is freshwater and fit to drink. It's the basis of civilisation - think about it, most of the world's cities were built on rivers. But the world has a big water problem. At least 2.7... Continue Reading →

The State of Public Service Outsourcing

The surprise announcement today of Chris Hyman's resignation from CEO of Serco after 11 years at the helm comes after months of allegations surfacing of overcharging the UK Government for electronic tagging contracts. Only yesterday, Richard Morris, UK CEO of G4S resigned for coming under pressure for the same allegations.No corporations have done as well... Continue Reading →

The 6th Mind of a Manager

I've been thinking a lot lately about the kind of mindset required of leaders and managers for a sustainable future. Forgive the slightly idealist treatise below, but there is no short way of saying what I want to. Ten years has now passed since 'The Five Minds of a Manager' (Gosling & Mintzberg 2003) was... Continue Reading →

The Changing Demands of Leadership

There is a ticking time bomb in the boardroom. Today's business leaders have almost universally failed to recognise that the next generation of leadership to run successful companies in tomorrow's environment will require a fundamentally different skillset to their own. Despite the well-oiled rhetoric of 'business as usual is no longer an option', not many... Continue Reading →

A Personal Tribute to Jim Paice MP

I have had the great privilege of working with and getting to know Jim Paice MP, the outgoing Minister of Food and Farming, for some years now. Like many, I was therefore shocked to learn of his departure from Defra - a move which is entirely to do with political expediency to spread power round Coalition Government... Continue Reading →

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